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Volunteer Application​

WE NEED YOU!! Boosters encourages you to help "boost" the band by volunteering! Find volunteering
information through email and the Band App. Attend General Booster Meetings to provide your input, ask
questions, and meet other parents. We can't have a successful band program without your support!


You must be an approved volunteer through Keller ISD.


Click here for the online volunteer application
Once you receive an email stating you are approved to volunteer, forward it to Boosters:
Volunteer shirts are available to purchase in our online shop

NOTE: You can purchase your volunteer shirt and hop over to the apparel shop to purchase your child’s band
apparel and then pay for everything at once when you are ready to check out. Boosters will pick up your order
and distribute it with your child’s band apparel.


FRHS Band Links



Contact the Band Boosters at

2024 Fossil Ridge High School Band

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